Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dream Dream Dream - Dreeeeeaaaam (thinkclassicEverlyBrothers)

I LOVE LOVE LOVE running with friends!!!  Funny thing about friends, when you talk-they listen! =D

While running with a particular gal pal, (Zen Jen that I am-yep i dubbed my dadgum self) got on the topic of things we wanted to do before we kicked the bucket.  And how that bucket list has evolved through the years.  Case in point>> Okay - so growing up, I watched my dad train and jump out of airplanes with fellow 82nd Airborne-Golden Knights and maybe that stuck with me.  That WAS on my list.  em-yeah....Not so much now (that I have children).  My list has tamed down from sky-diving to ....no - not dumpster-diving *wagsfinger* being kick-ass in martial arts, learning how to surf, running a marathon, etc. etc.

My husband had to go out of town on a business trip...PARTY TIME! I invited said friend over to eat popcorn, drink and watch Eat Pray Love with me ('cause i'm that lame).  And here is what she gave me:

My Very Own Bucket Pad (sweet)

So of course I made my "List"

See: One of the items on my list is to "Incorporate running regularly into my lifestyle." 

Anywho, wanted to share that with you and wondered if any of you have something(s) you'd like to do before exiting life's theatre?

Do you write them down?

Along the same lines, a friend asked something like "if you could have one wish (running related), what would it be?" to which my reply was "To get paid to run."  During a few of my outings, I kind of mentally beat myself over how superficial an answer that was....but I got something better--

The fortuitous honor of being noticed for my "healthy love of the run"!!!!  I'm extremely blessed to be a running ambassador for Oiselle-that's right OISELLE!!!!  SCORE!!!!!!  GOAL!!!!!!   TOUCHDOWN!!! VICTORY!!!!  GRAND SLAM!!!  SHAZAM!!   BOOM!

Dream big, right it down, and GO LONG and for the love of Pete - don't STOP UNTIL YOU GET ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

~Without struggle, there is no progress~Frederick Douglas

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